Well my attempts to post a movie on my first blog did not work as plan. Never the less here is my second blog attempt and I wish to discuss the upcoming North American Union (NAU). First off make no mistake there is a North American Union and it is coming. The amount of information that is out there and available for people to read and see about the upcoming NAU/SPP is mindblowing for a "conspiracy Theoury". So in this blog I will not be discussing pro's or cons I'll save that for a later date. This blog is about facts that should people should be looking up. These facts are there for everyone to look up and see for themselves. So one might ask were do I start? Well one of the first things someone should do is understand NAFTA/FTA, these free trade agreements essentially allow Capital to move freely across borders, but not the people, and sets the regulations for Natural resources and how they are traded. Our leaders will tell us that these "freetrade" deals are good for us yet the stats say other wise. Once these facts are understood than it becomes painfully clear that these trade deals that are set up to bring Prosperity are really only bringing prosperity to the CEO's and Corporations but not the people.
In 1999 there was a report written by an economist out of Simon Fraser Univerisity by the name of Herbert G. Grubel. This report was released by right-wing thinktank The Fraser Institute out of Vancouver BC. I have posted the link on the right so you can download and read it for yourself. I would strongly suggest that that you download and read this document for yourself, especially if you have any doubts about the coming doller crash. When one types Amero into Google search 1.47 million hits come up. There is 100's of videos talking about the Amero as well as it just being on Fox news. Make No Mistake the US doller and Canadian doller will crash so that in 2010 when the North American Union is announced (as stated in the Building of a North American Community PDF from the Council on Foreign Relations that can be found on my web links) the Amero will be announced as well as mentioned in the case for amero pg.5.
All the info can be found on the Internet links that I have posted on the right. There is too much info to cover in one blog and I am just getting started. So The Amero was also mentioned in a letter written to the Trilateral Commission conference in Toronto Ont, in 2002. This letter was written by Robert Paster who many call the father of teh SPP/NAU. I took this letter on put it on a video which can be found under northerndisclosure' videos "Letter To Trilateral Commission" I strongly suggest people check it out as well the "No to NAU, HR 40 " video I made as well.
Look forward to writing more and hearing feedback.
Monday, November 10, 2008
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