Thursday, December 4, 2008

watch this



"I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind." From the Canadian Bill of Rights, July 1, 1960.




Sunday, November 30, 2008

Israel/Palestine/BarackObama/President Ahmadinejad


This is a topic that is Never Addressed on western Media Outlets in an Unbiased way. There is an ongoing Holocaust taking place today right in front of us and we do NOTHING. A holocaust is an ongoing slaughter of a people due to their race or ethnic background. What would one call it when water, medical goods, infrastructure funding, food, educational supplies are not allowed into an area with one type of Ethical Background? This is an issue that needs to be addressed by all free thinking people today and perhaps yesterday because Tomorrow will be too late. These people are for the most part young families or young children who are growing up in Ghettos and not seeing many hope of change. This is a Humanity problem and needs to be solved. How can the West observe Nov 11 with the motto Lest we Forget when we are allowing Genocide to take place not only in Palestine but in Congo, Sudan, other parts of Africa unless The real message is "Lest We Forget What Your Told Not To Forget"! For Humanity is always judged upon how the weakest of its society is treated and looked after I hope that future Historians understand that there were those of us who spoke out about the atrocities that were occuring only to be met with distain and attacks for no one ever said the Truth doesn't Hurt.



Thank you to for Posting this video on Youtube with english Subtitles.

Friday, November 28, 2008

JFK'S Great Speech

He Tried to KILL The Federal Reserve with Executive Order 11110



Thursday, November 27, 2008

Major attacks in India

There has been a huge "sophisticated, well planned and well financed" terrorist attack that occured in Mumbai India, with over 100 people dead, and over 300 injured this is a truly monsterous attack. Many parts of the city of Mumbia were hit with Grenades and automatic weapons because of these attacks. A Hospital, rail road station, two major hotels, and a resteraunt were all victims during this attack. There is even live footage of a "marked Indian Police van" being hijacked by the terrorists and at one point in time being caught on film and just shooting at random people on the street.
With this being such a fragile time in our Global History I hope that cooler heads prevail when trying to find out what has taken place. What we don't need are more theaters of war in terms of revenge. My thoughts and prayers goes out to all those involved and all their family members.




Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Excellent Movie 10/10

CHANGE or more the Same? Who Bought WHO?

“If the American people ever allow private banks to
control the issue of their money, first by inflation
and then by deflation, the banks and corporations
that will grow up around them (around the banks),
will deprive the people of their property until their
children will wake up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered.”
Thomas Jefferson

This is a list of Barack Obama's top Campaign Financial Backers

University of California $909,283
Goldman Sachs $874,207
Harvard University $717,230
Microsoft Corp $714,108
Google Inc $701,099
JPMorgan Chase & Co $581,460
Citigroup Inc $581,216
National Amusements Inc $543,859
Time Warner $508,148
Sidley Austin LLP $492,445
Stanford University $481,199
Skadden, Arps et al $473,424
Wilmerhale Llp $466,679
UBS AG $454,795
Latham & Watkins $426,924
Columbia University $426,516
Morgan Stanley $425,102
IBM Corp $415,196
University of Chicago $414,555
US Government $400,819
here's the figures from a few months ago
(and a few moths prior to these figures Bear Sterns Gave the big O 300K

Goldman Sachs $691,930
University of California $611,207
Citigroup Inc $448,599
JPMorgan Chase & Co $442,919
Harvard University $435,769
Google Inc $420,174
UBS AG $404,750
National Amusements Inc $389,140
Microsoft Corp $377,235
Lehman Brothers $370,524
Sidley Austin LLP $350,302
MoveonDOTorg $347,463
Skadden, Arps et al $340,264
Time Warner $338,527
Wilmerhale LLP $335,398
Morgan Stanley $318,070
Latham & Watkins $297,400
Jones Day $289,476
University of Chicago $278,885
Stanford University $276,038
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the light of publicity during those years. But now the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supra-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
David Rockefeller

Why exactly do we have unfair FreeTrade and Homeless families, not to mention entering an era that no one has ever experienced EVER. Think about it before you try to think any decade in the past can be compared to what anyone is experiencing today. In the past if you had a second mortgage you were no good at handling money. Now it is common practise to consolidate dept or get a second mortage along with a credit line and that department store charge card just like it is to put your grocery bills on the visa because your pay check went to everything else. This is an UNPRECEDENT ECONOMIC CRISIS with global repercussions for everyone. China may be a success now but when no one is buying anything because no one is working it might be a seperate story, in fact it will be a different story. Why is it acceptable for the bulk of jobs that are avaliable now, not be jobs that pay a living WAGE one that your head is not right below the surface especially when it comes to the financial budget. Yes the consumer does play a role in this in terms of taking on too much dept, however most of it has to with trying to spend to survive rather than consume luxury goods to show off.




Monday, November 24, 2008

Change: Timothy Geithner, (Fed, IMF, Kissinger Associates, CFR, BIS) Nominated for U.S. Treasury Secretary


Change: Timothy Geithner, (Fed, IMF, Kissinger Associates, CFR, BIS) Nominated for U.S. Treasury Secretary
November 24th, 2008

* read the Bloomberg piece below.:
Timothy F. Geithner became the ninth president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on November 17, 2003. In that capacity, he serves as the vice chairman and a permanent member of the Federal Open Market Committee, the group responsible for formulating the nation’s monetary policy.

Mr. Geithner joined the Department of Treasury in 1988 and worked in three administrations for five Secretaries of the Treasury in a variety of positions. He served as Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs from 1999 to 2001 under Secretaries Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers.

He was director of the Policy Development and Review Department at the International Monetary Fund from 2001 until 2003. Before joining the Treasury, Mr. Geithner worked for Kissinger Associates, Inc.

Mr. Geithner graduated from Dartmouth College with a bachelors degree in government and Asian studies in 1983 and from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies with a masters in International Economics and East Asian Studies in 1985. He has studied Japanese and Chinese and has lived in East Africa, India, Thailand, China, and Japan.

Mr. Geithner serves as chairman of the G-10s Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems of the Bank for International Settlements. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Group of Thirty.

He and his wife, Carole Sonnenfeld Geithner, have two children.

Via: Bloomberg:

The appointment of Timothy Geithner as U.S. Treasury secretary would deprive Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke of his top troubleshooter on Wall Street, compelling the Fed chief to act fast to find a replacement.

Geithners departure would mean the loss of the Fed executive Bernanke has relied on most to keep the financial system from collapsing in this years credit crisis. His successor may be another official involved in the governments response, such as Fed Governor Kevin Warsh or New York Fed markets chief William Dudley, economists said.

Bernanke turned to Geithner, 47, president of the New York Fed, to carry out the rescues of Bear Stearns Cos. and American International Group Inc., and to help stem market turmoil after the decision to allow Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. to fail. Geithner was involved in the weekends government rescue of Citigroup Inc. and oversees most of the Feds special lending programs set up this year to channel more than $1 trillion to banks and other financial institutions.

Leadership of the New York Fed is always an important post but vastly more important at the moment, said former Fed Governor Lyle Gramley, now senior economic adviser at Stanford Group Co. in Washington. It would be very important to fill it as rapidly as possible.

Obama's Announcement

President-elect Barack Obama announced today that he will nominate Geithner as Treasury secretary, and will appoint Lawrence Summers, Treasury secretary under President Bill Clinton, to head the National Economic Council.

The president of the New York Fed serves as the vice chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee and is the only district bank president with a permanent vote on interest rates. The other 11 presidents rotate votes every two or three years.

The New York Fed is the largest of the 12 district banks and plays a unique role, serving as the central banks chief liaison to securities firms and trading with bond dealers to keep the Feds main interest rate close to the target set by policy makers. The bank, which employs about 2,800 people, supervises some of the biggest U.S. commercial banks, with examiners reviewing their books on a regular basis.

Should Geithner become Treasury secretary, Dudley, the New York Feds executive vice president for markets, may serve as interim president, Gramley said.

Dudley, 55, former chief U.S. economist at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., worked with Geithner on conceiving and operating the special lending programs. He joined the New York Fed in January 2007 after two decades at Goldman and is in charge of the central banks trading with Wall Street bond dealers.


Phil Berg On Obama and being a Natural Born Citizen


This video was made by It is a video involving Phil Berg explaing his case against Obama as well as Mr. Berg gving his legal background. This case is before the Supreme Court, Mr Obama has been told that he has until Dec.1 2008 to show his legitimate Birth Certificate. Mr. Obama has refused to release any documents really in relation to his history or medical files. If Obama does not produce a Birth Certificate his "election" may be overturned and than God only knows how the American public will react. This is a HUGE issue that more people should be well aware of because the potential social ramifications could be one that changes the Social Foundation of the USA for ever and not in a good way. WAKE UP People Times are a Changing and not neccessary for the good.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Conspiracy Theories or Well Informed People


This video sums up what most of us who have been independently researching have been thinking. Throught out time people have controlled other people using any means available. Today the people in power have in reality set up limitless methods of control over the masses. One way is to use their Mainstream media puppets to declare individuals who don't accept "official Theories" as "crazy conspiracy theorists", yet almost all major "conspiracy theories" of the last 100 years have more than sufficiant facts to back them up. Some have even been supported by the release of Declassified Government Documents which outright support the "theories" as truth.
It is up to people to do their own research about things taking place. Mainstream Media has advertising minutes to sell and is accountable to those purchasing time. More people need to wake up for themselves and realize that we are being manipulated on a mass scale. Only when one takes the red pill and falls down the Rabbit Hole will they realize that the so called "normal" people may be the truly crazy ones after all, for simply not thinking for themselves.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Paulson was behind threat of Martial Law


When the bailout was being pushed through the first time, there was video of Congressman stating publicly that Martial Law would be declared if the Bailout was not passed. Yet it was not released who had done the threatening of M.L. well this video tells us who it was. For those reading this I urge you to look into what is really behing this financial downturn because all is not as it seems. We (Truthers) have been talking about this financial downturn for at least a year now. Some people have listened and started to do research and get prepared while others just brushed it off. I hope that those that brushed it off pay attention to this video. If they are willing to threaten to get Martial Law in order to pay off their buddies than it is up to ones imagination just how far these Illuminati are willing to go to get what they want.
Goldman Sachs executives control all Major financial posts in North America and there is no sign that any of this will change under Obama. All parties that passed this bailout and threatened Martial Law should be investigated for theft and fraud and should be charged under the proper criminal codes.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Is Obama a Natural Born Citizen

This has the potential to derail the historic vote that occured on Nov. 4.08. Now you may be sitting here reading this saying what? But allow me the chance to explain what I'm talking about here. In order to be President of the USA one has to be a Natural born citizen of the USA among other reguirements. This is a Constitutional requirement, one that a Harvard educated lawyer should well be aware of. So just to let you know what I am talking about, as we speak right now there is a case before the Supreme Court of the United States by a Democratic Party member, attorney and former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania Phil Berg about the status of Berg vs. Obama which is claiming that Obama does not meet the qualifications to be President of the United States. Now this case has ramifications for all and I bet a certain California Governor is awaiting to see the results. I don't know enought to personally talk about this case. So what has happend is the Youtube Channel known as as posted 3 video clips about this case. I hope that you check it out and may be let some other people know. Yes it may be just a technicality but when one is talking about the Presidents Office there should be no technicality to speak of right G.W.B ?

Attorney Phil Berg on the Alex Jones Show

Part 2

Part 3

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Real Economic Crisis of 2008

This is a Financial Controlled Demolition! Like 9/11
Global recession or depression? What are we facing interms of economy coming up?
Well if one was to just buy what the pundits are saying on MSM than we are just facing a downturn in our economy. However if your actually paying attention to the news than you will realize that this economic downturn will make the dirty thirties look like a walk in the park compared to what were facing. Why such a difference? well for starters in the thirties how many people had a credit card, let alone department store card, home equity loans, lines of credit, overdrafts, starting to get the point yet. We are facing a crisis that will make history books and hopefully it is recorded truthfully. I doubt it though. This crisis has been in the making since the begining of offshoring jobs and "freetrade" deals. Until the aspect of jobs and inflation including things like food, heat and gas all essential aspects of modern life we will ocntinue to get worse. Yes we have seen our economies grow at a very fast and high rate yet I bet if you polled Michigan and Ontario they would not be touting the great aspects of Globalization. We are facing a time where putting food on a table will be worth more than buying xmas gifts yet people are still thinking this is a minor or fixable problem. This game has been rigged from the start and I urge all people to research how this "crisis came to be. From the dot-com crash to 9/11. After 9/11 outragously low interest rates fuelling the subprime crisis led to the mortagage fiasco and the outright collapse of major banks and investment brokers. Now the MSM and their paid pundits wants you to believe that no one new this was coming yet they have been warned for years and some might say "conspired" for their complete upcoming collapse. I urge all people to research the Wiemer Republic and what happened there & Remember History repeats.

CNBC Speaks of ILLUMINATI and Stock Market


The Global Elite are Playing Their Hand

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Unseen 9/11 Footage released on Nov. 11 2008


This video has been compiled together by youtube user:

This Video was obtained through a Freedom of Information request by FOIA attorney Scott Hodes, under instruction from his client Mr Scott Bingham. Bingham has uploaded some of the footage to youtube and has set about writing blogs on the videos at

On his website Mr Bingham has written blogs that pertain to the video's he was able to secure.Bingham writes:

"This is the first bulk release of videos from the PENTTBOM investigative file. More will come later. How much later? I dont know. But we requested 64 of 84 items on the menu and we now have 10 new items."

Bingham was previously successful in securing the release of CCTV footage from the Pentagon, Citgo gas station, and Double Tree hotel, which he documented on his website However, none of these videos provided clear footage of the impact of flight 77 into the Pentagon.

Although it was Binghams FOIA lawsuit that forced the release of the only known footage from the Pentagon and the surrounding area on 9/11, government watchdog group Judicial Watch took the credit and released it to the mainstream media networks.

During the course of Binghams FOIA request, he discovered that the FBI was withholding at least another 84 surveillance tapes pertaining to the attacks, and subsequently requested the release of all the withheld footage.

The original context of the request for the footage and the revelations garnered from the FBI suggested that the remaining tapes were specifically related to the attack on the Pentagon. However, the bulk of the ten newly released videos show the impact of the second plane into the World Trade Center from various new angles. Some of the videos seem to be old footage that has been previously released, and one video even contains a full ABC News episode called The Survivors, a documentary about the burn victims of 9/11 that was presumably made weeks or months after the events.

It appears that the FBI still maintains that they have no more footage of the Pentagon attack, despite the fact that the area is littered with buildings and roads that have their own surveillance systems, in addition to that of the pentagon itself.

Perhaps the most interesting newly released video is footage shot by a couple in a hotel adjacent to the WTC. Much like the previously released "What we saw: Bob and Bri" video which surfaced two years ago, this video is cut just as the second plane hits. However the audio is left intact and a large swoosh followed by two loud thuds can be heard. Bingham, who says he plans to upload more from this video, also says the video is cut as the towers collapse. The reason for the cuts is not explained.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lest We Forget

I wish to thank all men and women of every country around the world past and present for all the sacrifices they have made no matter what country what cause which side of the fence. May you all Rest in Peace.
Eleven New Video's released from 9/11 in the Last Week

First is the video that was released from the WTC7 the day before the elections in the US were to take place. Now not only does this video look like a contolled demolition but infrared photographs taken after 9/11 showed pockets of extreme heat and molten steel. When Larry Silverstein went on PBS talking about 9/11 and was rightfully adressed by We are Change my question goes out to the rest of the mainstream media who have not aked the hard questions. Quite frankly were have the ability to ask these people real questions gone? Why does it take citizens to take up the job of asking hard questions that have to be answered? This is a serious issue if Governments are willing to go after people like Martha Stewart for Insider Trading than what about ALL the people who were involved and profited off the Put Options on the Airlines involved in 9/11? The fact that no one has been charged or questioned says alot about the two tiered Justice system that is prevalent around the world. One for the Haves and one for have-nots.


As you can see the timing of the release of this video leaves alot to be desired for anyone who has been following the Aspirations of the New World Order.

Here is Larry Silverstein giving a speech and being asked questions by We Are Change New York on what really happened that day, his use of the word "PULL" when decribing wtc7 to pbs and "losses of Life" that day. As well as the seperate Insurance claims that he made on each building citing seperate acts of Terrorism on each building.
My question to larry Silverstein is what about the Asbestos that you were ordered to clean out of the Twin Towers , How much would that have cost You?"

As you can see by the above video the avoidance of answering questions with Truth must be some kind of course offered at all the high end parties and Secret Meetings.
Well done We are change, The Truth Has to come out see for yourself that this guy out right lies to the people.
Google Barry Jennings

I will finish this post later enjoy.
The Truth will not be stopped

Monday, November 10, 2008

Council on Foreign Relations president predicts coups, genocide and terrorism to test Obama Published on 09-11-2008 Email To Friend Print Version

Source: Current
Echoing Vice President-Elect Joe Biden's promise of a generated crisis and Colin Powell's revelation of a crisis that will happen on January 21 or 22, we now have the president of the Council on Foreign Relations and Biderberger Richard Haas similar predictions of doom and gloom scheduled for President-Elect Obama.

"While foreign leaders may or may not choose to test Obama, "the one thing I'm sure of is, events will test him," Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haass said. "There will be coups. ... There will be genocide. ... There will be terrorism."

In 74 days, President-elect Barack Obama will assume responsibility for guiding the nation out of two wars and through a daunting array of real and potential global crises.

Obama is likely to benefit from initial goodwill across much of the planet, where there's profound relief that the Bush years are ending.

Still, the new president — untested in foreign affairs — faces what may be the most unsettled global scene since the 1930s and '40s."


Brzezinski: Obama Will Face “Imminent” Foreign Policy Problems
Published on 03-11-2008 Email To Friend Print Version

By Paul Joseph Watson
Trilateral Commission co-founder and Obama advisor echoes comments made by Biden, Powell about “international crisis”

Trilateral Commission co-founder and top Obama advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski told CNN yesterday that Barack Obama would be faced with “imminent problems” in the context of foreign policy once he takes office, echoing prophetic warnings made recently by Joe Biden, Colin Powell and Madeleine Albright.
Appearing on CNN’s Global Public Square with host Fareed Zakaria, Brzezinski said that President Carter contacted him to ask who he should appoint to different posts after he captured the White House, perhaps a hint that Obama might do the same.
“The president at one point called me, and rather cleverly asked me who I thought ought to occupy what posts. And I gave him advice. And I finally came to the post of national security adviser,” said Brzezinski, adding that Carter offered him the position.
Zakaria asked Brzezinski if the president-elect should “start sending signals to foreign governments”.
“I think it depends on two things — one, on the nature of the president himself, and, two, on the circumstances,” Brzezinski responded.

“I think what is going on right now — which is nothing less than a global crisis of American leadership, nothing less than that — I think the president-elect, whoever he is — and I have my own preference — will have to start sending signals right away, and will have to get ready to deal with some imminent problems.”
Brzezinski’s warning that Obama will face immediate problems in the form of a foreign policy crisis echoes similar sentiments expressed by Obama’s running mate, Senator Joe Biden, who last month told an audience in Seattle “We’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”
Biden was vehement in his proclamation, stating that it was a “guarantee” and a “promise” that Obama would face an international crisis and that “tough” and “unpopular” decisions would have to be made to combat it.
Colin Powell made similar statements when he endorsed Obama on Meet the Press, saying “There’s going to be a crisis which will come along on the 21st, 22nd of January that we don’t even know about right now.”
Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright also told CNN’s John Roberts, “It’s just a statement of fact…something unexpected, you always have to be prepared for that.”

Albright: 'Statement Of Fact' Terrorists Will Attack After Obama Wins
Published on 22-10-2008 Email To Friend Print Version

Source: Infowars
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who believes killing a half million Iraqi kids was worth it, seems to agree with Joe Biden and Colin Powell that something will happen within the first six months or so of an Obama administration.
See the video from CNN:

Albright, like Biden and Powell, is an insider minion, so she may know something is up. It is rather suspect that all these voices are saying basically the same thing: Obama will be “tested,” either by an al-CIA-duh attack, a war or confrontation in the Middle East — read, Iran — or Russia.

Colin Powell: “There’s going to be a crisis come along on the 21st or 22nd of January that we don’t even know about right now.”
Published on 21-10-2008 Email To Friend Print Version

Source: Cryptogon
Additionally, Joe Biden mentioned a “generated crisis”:
“Mark my words,” the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”
“I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate,” Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the Middle East and Russia as possibilities. “And he’s gonna need help. And the kind of help he’s gonna need is, he’s gonna need you - not financially to help him - we’re gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially, it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right.”

'Israel war on Iran on the radar'
Published on 09-11-2008 Email To Friend Print Version

Source: Press Tv

Senator Obama (L) said on Friday that he will not deal with Iran 'in a knee-jerk fashion'.
A senior European Union diplomat says the perfect time for Israel to strike Iranian nuclear installations 'is between now and January 20'.

"A possible Israeli strike against Iran is not completely off the radar," Turkish paper Hurriyet quoted the diplomat as saying.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Friday that Tel Aviv is 'convinced that Iran continues to try to build a nuclear weapon'.

"We don't rule out any option. We recommend others don't rule out any option either," added Barak, in regards to Obama's plans for Iran.

Tehran, a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), denies the Israeli claim, insisting that its enrichment program is solely directed at the civilian applications of the technology.

Israel, meanwhile, argues that the use of military force is a legitimate option in halting Iran's nuclear progress.

"Israelis would consider a move such as this before Bush and Cheney leave," said the EU diplomat, adding that once Obama takes office, Israel's chances of striking Iran would be off the agenda.

President-elect of the United States Barack Obama will replace George W. Bush on January 20. While campaigning for the White House, Obama vowed to engage Iran with direct diplomacy in order to resolve the disputed nuclear issue.

In his first post-election press conference on Friday, Senator Obama said the international community has to mount an effort to prevent 'Iran's development of a nuclear weapon'.

The UN nuclear watchdog, which has extensively monitored Iran's nuclear activities since 2003, concedes that it is not in a position to fully clarify the nature of the Iranian nuclear program.

The agency, however, announced in its latest Iran report that its inspectors have not found any 'components of a nuclear weapon' or 'related nuclear physics studies' in the country.


Warning over ‘huge’ terror threat
Published on 14-10-2008 Email To Friend Print Version

Source: ITN
Lord West, the former head of the Royal Navy, said there was a “huge” threat from extremists as the House of Lords continued debating the Counter Terrorism Bill.
Lord West said: “There is another great plot building up again and we are monitoring this.
He said: “Some of the measures that we have put into place in the past 15 months have made us safer, but that does not mean that we are safe. The threat is huge. It dipped slightly and is now rising again within the context of ’severe’.
“There are large complex plots. We unravelled one, which caused damage to al-Qaeda, and the plots faded slightly. However, another great plot is building up again, which we are monitoring.
“We have done a great deal to protect ourselves and to look after our water supplies, our resilience, underground trains, our preparedness and communications.”
He added: “We have done all the things that we need to do, but the threat is building - the complex plots are building.”
A Home Office spokesman said: “We have always been clear - as has the director general of the Security Service (MI5) - that there are many plots, individuals and groups under investigation. We don’t elaborate on specific plots or individuals.”
Lord West’s warning came after peers forced the Government to abandon plans to extend maximum pre-charge detention for terror suspects to 42 days.
The current threat level in the UK is assessed officially as “severe” - the second highest rating.
In a speech last year, MI5 director general Jonathan Evans said 2,000 individuals had been identified in the UK who were considered to pose a direct threat to national security because of their support for terrorism.
And he warned that there could be as many again which MI5 did not know about.

Warnings from world leaders all within 72 hours
November 9, 2008 by Philip Dru
Australian PM Kevin Rudd - “Nuke strike would make 9/11 insignificant” and other weird warnings”
“Over the last 72 hours there has been a strange melange of cryptic messages leaked from world political leaders about what could be in store for America over the next few months.
These predictions of impending doom come from England, France, Australia and the United States.
Biden told the top Democratic donors that a “generated crisis” will develop within six months and Barak Obama will need the help of community leaders to control the population as unpopular decisions are made and Americans resist.
Biden speaking at the fundraiser, “I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate, And he’s gonna need help. And the kind of help he’s gonna need is, he’s gonna need you - not financially to help him - we’re gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially, it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right.”
Biden’s ominous language at the Seattle Sheraton are followed with statements by long time establishment insiders Colin Powell and Madeline Albright both say there is a massive crisis on the horizon and Biden was simply making a “statement in fact.”
“The problems will always be there and there’s going to be a crisis which will come along on the 21st, 22nd of January that we don’t even know about right now.” Powell told Meet the Press.
Lord West, adviser to Prime Minister Gordon Brown on national security says, “There is another great plot building up again and we are monitoring. It dipped slightly and is now rising again within the context of severe. The threat is huge. We have done all the things that we need to do, but the threat is building - the complex plots are building,”
Across the channel from England you have the French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner warning the press that he believes Israel will strike Iran before they can develope nuclear weapons completley ignoring the fact that the chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohammed ElBradei, said that Iran lacks the key components to produce an atomic weapon.
“The devastation that could be wreaked by one major nuclear weapons incident alone puts 9/11 and almost everything else [in] to the category of the insignificant,” Rudd said.
Why are there so many high level politicians around the world in a seemingly coordinated effort warning of huge threats and developing crisis’ that may include a nuclear device? Are they preparing the masses for an event or series of events that have been in the making for some time? Is the public being prepared for new and forming enemies with a potential to plunge the entire world into war?”
—-end quote—
A number of notable public figures, to be sure; Biden, Rudd, Colin Powell, Matelaine Albright, Lord West and French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner. Taken alone there are plenty of ready explanations, but within 72hrs.?
Are there any more recent examples out there?
Rogue Israeli Mossad-British Team Behind French Students Assassination
Laurent Bonomo, left, and Gabriel Ferez, right, students who were
two French Intelligence officers, were brutally stabbed to death
in a London flat that was then set on fire Photo: AP,0.jpg

It can now be reported that the murders of two French bio-chemical students, Laurent Bonomo and Gabriel Ferez, were carried out by Bush-Clinton "TRUE COLORS" rogue Israeli Mossad-British Intelligence assassination teams.

Both French students, Bonomo and Ferez, were studying at the prestigious London Imperial College researching the origins of bird flu and the link to the alleged vaccines.

BANBURY, UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 04: Men in protective body suits enter a chicken shed on a farm that has seen an outbreak of the H7 strain of bird flu, near Banbury on June 4 2008 in Oxfordshire, England . The strain of avian flu virus was found yesterday in laying hens, and all birds on the farm have been ordered to be destroyed. The H7 strain has been found in Britain on several occasions before, but this is the first time it has been identified in the highly pathogenic, or deadly, form. Getty Images
Getty Images

The murders of the two students was first released by France's Directorate for Internal Security, not by Britain's Scotland Yard, making it almost a certainty that the two students were French Intelligence officers.

Reference: A joint French-U.S. Intelligence anti-terrorist task force in Paris, France, headed by former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former head of French Intelligence Jean Crouté, for years have monitored the activity of the out-of-control Bush-Clinton "TRUE COLORS" mercenary armies.

The patriotic American-French team has prevented various scripted terrorist attacks, i.e. false flags, on both the United States and Europe, with the planning of the attacks actually originating inside the compromised intelligence agencies of the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel and Germany.
The two French students, i.e. Intelligence Officers, had discovered that the alleged bird flu vaccine, H-7, which was designed to neutralize and stop the H5N1 avian flu virus, had been spliced using DNA to actually create a vaccine and a virus at the same time.The French students had also discovered that the bird flu vaccine, i.e. a virus, had links to both U.S., British and Israeli laboratories with the noted post 9/11 anthrax MOSSAD agent Dr. Philip M. Zackerie as a subject of interest.

Israeli ZIONIST, microbiologist Zackerie, known as Dr. Zack, not only worked for the U.S. bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, where he was photographed handling the stain of anthrax used in the post 9/11 attack, but was a consultant at the Boulder, Colorado FBI Division 5 linked company Gilead Sciences Inc.

Gilead Sciences of Boulder, Colorado has been linked to the 9/11 anthrax strain and to the bird flu vaccine.

And, if that is not bad enough folks, listen to this.

Almost 50% of the Gilead Sciences Inc. stock is owned by former U.S. Secretary of Defense and 9/11 co-conspirator Donald Rumsfeld, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Cindy McCain, wife of presumptive Republican nominee John McCain, and none other than FBI Division 5 William Morris Agency and NBC anchor face, Tom Brokaw.

Brokaw has replaced the late Tim Russert as host of NBC's alleged interview show "Meet the Press".

Retired Republican Senator William Frist of Tennessee has major investments in the bird flu vaccine, i.e. virus.
These French Intelligence officers, who worked for both Colin Powell and Jean Crouté, were about to expose a plot by the Bush-Clinton "TRUE COLORS" intelligence rogues to use the H-7 flu vaccine, i.e. virus, as a way to poison the American People and create a flu pandemic, which would lead to a national emergency and give the outlaw Bush Administration an excuse to declare MARTIAL LAW and exercise emergency control over the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve.

This financial control would allow the outlaw Bush Administration the ability to block the G-7 ordered implementation of the noted Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, which are designed to return BILLIONS OF DOLLARS back to the U.S., French and Chinese Treasuries.

The two French students, who had their apartment broken into one week before their brutal assassination, also had their lap top computer stolen and their apartment fire bombed.

The operation has been traced to a team of ten (10) Israeli MOSSAD and British MI5 agents.

The individual currently under arrest in the United Kingdom is a witness to the murders whose life is in jeopardy at this time given he has been taken into custody by the Bush-Clinton "TRUE COLORS" compromised Scotland Yard.
The two French students, along with former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former head of French Intelligence Jean Crouté, were also in possession of a SECRET U.S. government "Death List", which targets various outspoken political opponents of the American ruling junta.

It is conceivable that these outspoken political opponents would become recipients of the bird flu vaccine aka virus after their incarceration at various concentration camps under MARTIAL LAW conditions.

These concentration camps are SECRETLY headquartered in Yuma, Arizona.

Former Republican Senator William Frist of Tennessee was given a copy of this "Death List".

P. S. The assassination of the French Intelligence Officers happened to coincide just after the recent meetings that took place in Northern Ireland between White House resident George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and current British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.The two murders also coincide with the recent assassination attempt in Israel targeting French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

It should be noted that the alleged suicide victim, who allegedly shot himself during the departure of Sarkozy from the Tel Aviv airport was an Arab patsy-to-be before the assassination attempt was foiled.

Sarkozy was also aware of the bird flu TREASON and the plans to use it against France as well as the Israeli MOSSAD hacking of French INTERPOL internet portals using the American NSA and a headquarters in Amsterdam, Holland.

The NSA-MOSSAD spy nest in Amsterdam has also been used to disrupt and hack all U.S. computers and email communications originating in the United States.

So, in other words folks, if you are a patriotic whistleblower receiving communications from overseas sources about internal government-sponsored terrorist activities on your own soil, i.e. U.S. soil, YOU, the patriotic whistleblower, are subjected to being spied on by your own government, i.e. the REAL terrorists.
Source:Tom Heneghan,July 6,2008.
Right will prevail.

Advisor to FBI in Anthrax Investigation Says Attack Was False Flag Terror
Published on 20-08-2008 Email To Friend Print Version

Source: George Washington's Blog
We all know that the bioweapons expert who actually drafted the current bioweapons law (the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989) - Francis Boyle - has said that he is convinced the October 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people were perpetrated and covered up by criminal elements of the U.S. government, and that the motive was to foment a police state by killing off and intimidating opposition to post-9/11 legislation such as the USA PATRIOT Act and the later Military Commissions Act.

But a new article reveals an interesting fact: Professor Boyle "advised the FBI in its initial investigation of the anthrax letters."

In other words, an FBI advisor himself believes that the anthrax attack was a false flag operation.

The North American Union Real or Propaganda?


Well my attempts to post a movie on my first blog did not work as plan. Never the less here is my second blog attempt and I wish to discuss the upcoming North American Union (NAU). First off make no mistake there is a North American Union and it is coming. The amount of information that is out there and available for people to read and see about the upcoming NAU/SPP is mindblowing for a "conspiracy Theoury". So in this blog I will not be discussing pro's or cons I'll save that for a later date. This blog is about facts that should people should be looking up. These facts are there for everyone to look up and see for themselves. So one might ask were do I start? Well one of the first things someone should do is understand NAFTA/FTA, these free trade agreements essentially allow Capital to move freely across borders, but not the people, and sets the regulations for Natural resources and how they are traded. Our leaders will tell us that these "freetrade" deals are good for us yet the stats say other wise. Once these facts are understood than it becomes painfully clear that these trade deals that are set up to bring Prosperity are really only bringing prosperity to the CEO's and Corporations but not the people.
In 1999 there was a report written by an economist out of Simon Fraser Univerisity by the name of Herbert G. Grubel. This report was released by right-wing thinktank The Fraser Institute out of Vancouver BC. I have posted the link on the right so you can download and read it for yourself. I would strongly suggest that that you download and read this document for yourself, especially if you have any doubts about the coming doller crash. When one types Amero into Google search 1.47 million hits come up. There is 100's of videos talking about the Amero as well as it just being on Fox news. Make No Mistake the US doller and Canadian doller will crash so that in 2010 when the North American Union is announced (as stated in the Building of a North American Community PDF from the Council on Foreign Relations that can be found on my web links) the Amero will be announced as well as mentioned in the case for amero pg.5.
All the info can be found on the Internet links that I have posted on the right. There is too much info to cover in one blog and I am just getting started. So The Amero was also mentioned in a letter written to the Trilateral Commission conference in Toronto Ont, in 2002. This letter was written by Robert Paster who many call the father of teh SPP/NAU. I took this letter on put it on a video which can be found under northerndisclosure' videos "Letter To Trilateral Commission" I strongly suggest people check it out as well the "No to NAU, HR 40 " video I made as well.
Look forward to writing more and hearing feedback.


Sunday, November 9, 2008